Monday, January 9, 2012

Land troubles

We have an update on a prayer request from Pastor Clemente Gumapit, a member of the Tausug tribe who left his past behind to follow Christ. Now, he is a pastor to the tribal group of his birth.

In 2011, God provided for us to help their church purchase a lot near their current building. The current building and parsonage rests on a rented lot.

God has not as of yet provided for us to help them build on the new property. The land owner has been kind enough to let them continue renting on the old property, but now the annual rent is due.

The land owner has been requesting the year's rent every week, and the church is unable to pay the rent. Please help us pray with them for the ability to pay the rent. The rent is 2,500 Philippine Pesos, slightly less than $60 in US currency.

Our hope is we can provide the rent to allow us to buy some time to help with the church and parsonage on the new property. The parsonage can  be built for around $1,300 US currency. There is some irrigation work to be done in addition to materials, etc.

When the parsonage is built, the plan is to lay a foundation on the church building and have a temporary structure for the church while the permanent structure is built.

There are many needs, as you can see if you follow these blogs, in this still new ministry God has burdened us with. We ask you to pray for this particular one today. Please join with us in praying for our dear brother and his church.

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