Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Let us praise tonight

Sometimes, you are just amazed at how God works. Truly, when we follow Him, we learn that our own strength and resources are not at all what He uses.

If you follow us at all, you know we have been asking for prayer for two churches and their property. One is in Dipolog City, and the need there was for $600 (roughly) to add a wing to the church. Let me tell you something about this church.

The church sits on the property of the pastor. It has enough room for about 100 people, but that's not always enough room. Overflowing church buildings are nice in romantic thought, but when heavy rains fall, they are not so ideal. Our church in Dipolog City, on the southern Philippine island of Mindanao, wants to add a wing to the building. They especially want to have the wing done by May, when the church anniversary will be conducted. Part of the thrust of the anniversary service is an evangelistic outreach, so the church wanted to have extra space for the lost who might be there for the service.

You will notice I said there "was" a need. Praise our Father in heaven, we have had someone donate the money for this particular need. It is amazing to see how God works things out, to see how God moves in circumstances and relationships and the details of life to accomplish His purposes.

We thank our God and Father who provided for this need. We thank Him for guiding a church full of people to pray and fast for this need.

Our other prayer request is for the Shiloh Bible Baptist Church in Salug, also on the island. We are praying with them as they pray to raise approximately $3,000 for their property. Our friends at Love in Action Ministries are helping us raise the money. They are accepting the donations for us and will send the money to Pastor Clemente Gumapit. As of right now, we have $500 raised toward our goal. Please pray as we continue to seek God's provision. We know if we ask Him, He will provide. We are excited to see how He will provide. After the last 24 hours, we are reminded once again that He is with us and will provide for His will to be done.

In the name of Jesus Christ, who saves sinners and puts them in places of blessing, we thank you for your time and consideration. May Christ be real to you today. If you do not know Him, seek Him today and find forgiveness for your sins.

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